
Wybrane publikacje pracowników KRJiRz (2010-2019)


  • Kucharczyk, D., Nowosad, J., Kucharczyk, D.J., Kupren, K., Targońska, K., Wyszomirska, E., Kujawa, R., Out-of-season artificial reproduction of common dace (Leuciscus leuciscus L.) under controlled conditions, Animal Reproduction Science, 202: 21-25. (, 2019
  • Kujawa, R Cejko, B.I., Fopp-Bayat, D., Judycka, S., Glińska-Lewczuk, K., Timofte, C.M., Nowosad, J., Kucharczyk, D., Reproduction of endangered river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) in controlled conditions, Animal Reproduction Science, 203: 75-83. (, 2019
  • Kujawa, R., Nowosad, J., Biegaj, M., Cejko, B.I., Kucharczyk, D., Use of ultrasonography to determine sex in sexually immature European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (L.). , Animal Reproduction Science, 204: 95-100., 2019
  • Nowosad, J., Kucharczyk, D. , First report of the occurrence and different types of conjoined twins in common whitefish Coregonus maraena larvae originating from the Baltic Sea., . Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 132: 163-170 , 2019


  • Kristan, J., Żarski, D., Blecha, M., Policar, T., Malinovskyi, O., Samarin, A.M., Palińska-Żarska, K., Nowosad, J., Krejszeff, S, Kucharczyk, D., Fertilizing ability of gametes at different post-activation times and the sperm–oocyte ratio in the artificial reproduction of pikeperch Sander lucioperca, Aquaculture Research 49: 1383-1388, 2018
  • Sebesta, R., Kucharczyk, D., Nowosad, J., Sikora, M., Stejskal, V. , Effect of temperature on growth and survival of maraena whitefish Coregonus maraena (Bloch 1779) larvae in controlled condition, Aquaculture Research 49: 2988-2994, 2018
  • Sikora, M., Nowosad, J., Biegaj, M., Kucharczyk, D., Dębowski, M., The possibility of application of agglomerate elastomers (EPP) as media for biological bed in aquaculture, Aquaculture Research 49: 2988-2994, 2018
  • Cejko, B.I. Krejszeff, S., Żarski, D., Judycka, S., Targońska, K., Kucharczyk, D., Effect of carp pituitary homogenate (CPH) and sGnRHa (Ovaprim) on northern pike (Esox lucius) spermiation stimulation and its effect on quantity and quality of sperm, Animal Reproduction Science, 193: 217-225, 2018
  • Kujawa R., Fopp-Bayat D., Cejko B.I., Kucharczyk, D., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Obolewski K., Biegaj M., Rearing river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) larvae under controlled conditions as a tool for restitution of endangered populations, Aquaculture International 26:27–36. DOI 10.1007/s10499-017-0190-6, 2018
  • Cejko B.I., Sarosiek B., Krejszeff S., Kowalski R.K., Multiple collections of common carp Cyprinus carpio L. semen during the reproductive period and its effects on sperm quality, Animal Reproduction Science, 188, s.178-188., 2018
  • Kucharczyk, D., Nowosad, J., Kujawa, R., Dietrich, G., Biegaj, M., Sikora, M., Luczynski, M.J., Comparison of spontaneous and hormone-induced reproduction of burbot (Lota lota L.) under hatchery conditions, Aquaculture 485: 25-29., 2018
  • Fopp-Bayat, D., Kucinski, M., Kujawa, R., The first data on the genetic diversity of river lamprey lampetra fluviatilis (linnaeus, 1758) from the vistula river and vistula lagoon in Poland, Polish Journal of Natural Sciences, 33: 115-129, 2018
  • Kucharczyk, D., Stępień, P., Nowosad, J., Kupren, K., Targońska, K., Kujawa, R. , The optimization of wide-type zebrafish, danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) reproduction in low temperatures under controlled conditions, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 18: 49-55. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v18_1_06, 2018
  • Nowosad, J., Kucharczyk, D. Łuczyńska, J., Changes in mercury concentration in muscles, ovaries and eggs of European eel during maturation under controlled conditions, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 857-861, 2018
  • Nowosad, J., Sikora, M., Kucharczyk, D.Email Author , Survival rates and the occurrence of larval malformations, including Siamese twins, following fertilization of post-ovulatory aged oocytes in ide Leuciscus idus, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 127: 237-242 DOI: , 2018


  • Nowosad J,,Kucharczyk D., Targońska K., Enrichment of Zebrafish Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) Diet with Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improves Fecundity and Larvae Quality, Zebrafish 14: 364-370. DOI: 10.1089/zeb.2017.1416, 2017
  • Nowosad J., Kucharczyk D., Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) and the Prospects for the Development of Aquaculture, Oceanography and Fisheries 2: 001-002. DOI: 10.19080/OFOAJ.2017.02.555590, 2017
  • Stańczak K.,Król J., Żarski D., Hliwa P., Marking of Burbot (Lota Lota L.) with Fluorescent Dyes Using the Per Os Method, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17: 121-127,DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v17_1_14, 2017
  • Żarski D., Palińska-Żarska K., Łuczyńska J., Krejszeff S., The type of spawning agent affects the egg composition during out-of-season spawning but not during in-season spawning in Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis, General and Comparative Endocrinology 245: 19-29., 2017
  • Żarski, D., Horváth A.,y Bernáth G., Krejszeff S., RadócziJ., Palińska-Żarska K., BokorZ., Kupren K., Urbányi B., Controlled Reproduction of Wild Eurasian Perch. A hatchery manual, Springer, Cham, s101. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49376-3, ISBN 978-3-319-49375-6, ISBN e-book 978-3-319-49376-3, 2017
  • Alix M., Żarski D., Chardard D., Fontaine P., Schaerlinger B., Deformities in newly hatched embryos of Eurasian perch populations originating from two different rearing systems, Journal of Zoology 302:126–137. doi:10.1111/jzo.12447, 2017
  • Siddique M.A.M., Linhart O., Krejszeff S., Żarski D., Pitcher T.E. Politis S.N., Butts I.A.E., Paternal identity impacts embryonic development for two species of freshwater fish, General and Comparative Endocrinology 245: 30-35., 2017
  • Żarski D., Nguyen T., Le Cam A., Montfort J., Dutto G., Vidal M.O., Fauvel C., Bobe J., Transcriptomic Profiling of Egg Quality in Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) Sheds Light on Genes Involved in Ubiquitination and Translation, Marine Biotechnology 19: 102–115. DOI 10.1007/s10126-017-9732-1, 2017
  • Boltizá Ottó, Müller Tamás, Urbányi Béla, Csenki Zsolt, Bakos Katalin, Staszny Ádam, Hegyi Árpád, Kucska Balázs, Kucharczyk Dariusz, Horváth László, Predatory effect of Copepods on the larvae of some freshwater fish, Fundamental and Applied Limnology / Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 190(4), 349-356(8) DOI: 10.1127/fal/2017/0682, 2017
  • Samarin A.M., Żarski D., Palińska-Żarska K., Krejszeff S., Blecha M., Kucharczyk D., Policar T., In vitro storage of unfertilized eggs of the Eurasian perch and its effect on egg viability rates and the occurrence of larval malformations, Animal 11: 78-83. DOI:10.1017/S1751731116001361, 2017
  • Łuczyńska J., Paszczyk B., Nowosad J., M.J. Łuczyński, Mercury, Fatty Acids Content and Lipid Quality Indexes in Muscles of Freshwater and Marine Fish on the Polish Market. Risk Assessment of Fish Consumption, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14, 1120; s 1-17. doi:10.3390/ijerph14101120, 2017
  • Ljubobratovic U., Peter G., Horvath Z., Żarski D., Ristovic T., Percze V., Sandor Z., Lengyel S., Ronyai A., Reproductive performance of indoor-reared pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) females after wintering in outdoor earthen ponds, Aquaculture Research 48 4851–4863. DOI:10.1111/are.13305, 2017
  • Bernáth G., Ittzés I., Szabó Z., Horváth Á., Krejszeff S.,Lujić J.,. Várkonyi L., Urbányi B., Bokor Z.,, Chilled and post-thaw storage of sperm in different goldfish types, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 52, s. 680–686., 2017
  • Mohammad Abdul Momin Siddique, Otomar Linhart , Sławomir Krejszeff, Daniel Żarski, Trevor E. Pitcher, Sebastian Nikitas Politis, Ian Anthony Ernest Butts, Paternal identity impacts embryonic development for two species of freshwater fish, General and Comparative Endocrinology, 245: 30–35., 2017
  • JuchnoD., Arai K., Boroń A., Kujawa R., Meiotic chromosome configurations in oocytes of Cobitis taenia and its polyploid hybrids, Ichthyological Research, 64 (2), s. 240-243 , 2017
  • Kujawa R., Lach M., Pol P., Ptaszkowski M., Mamcarz A., Nowosad J., Furgała-Selezniow G., Kucharczyk D. , Influence of water salinity on the survival of embryos and growth of the sichel larvae Pelecus cultratus (L.) under controlled conditions, Aquaculture Research 48: 1302-1314. DOI: 10.1111/are.12972, 2017
  • Kucharczyk D., Stępień P., Nowosad J., Kupren K.,Targońska K., Kujawa R., The Optimization of Wide-Type Zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton, 1822) Reproduction in Low Temperatures under Controlled Conditions, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 17: 49-55. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v18_1_06, 2017
  • Juchno D., Arai K., Boroń A., Kujawa R., Meiotic chromosome configurations in oocytes of Cobitis taenia and its polyploid hybrids, chthyological Research 64: 240–243., 2017


  • Goździejewska A., Glińska-Lewczuk K., Obolewski K., Grzybowski M., Kujawa R., Lew S., Grabowska M., Effects of lateral connectivity on zooplankton community structure in floodplain lakes, Hydrobiologia 774: 7-21, 2016
  • Juchno D., Boroń A., Szlachciak J., Kujawa R., Early development and post embryonic skeletal morphology of the progeny of Cobitis taenia (Teleostei, Cobitidae) and its naturally occurring allotriploids, Folia Biologica 64: 153-162., 2016
  • Łączyńska B., Palińska-Żarska, K., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Krejszeff S. Müller T. Kucharczyk D. Żarski D., Effect of age, size and digestive tract development on weaning effectiveness in crucian carp, Carassius carassius (Linnaeus, 1758)., Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32: 866-872 , 2016
  • Bernáth G., Bokor Z., Żarski D., Várkonyi L., Hegyi A., Staszny A., Urbányi B., Radóczi Ifj., J., Horváth, A. , Commercial-scale out-of-season cryopreservation of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) sperm and its application for fertilization, Animal Reproduction Science 170: 70–177., 2016
  • Kupren, K., Rams, I., Żarski, D., Kucharczyk D., Early development and allometric growth patterns of rheophilic cyprinid common dace Leuciscus leuciscus (Cyprinidae: Leuciscinae), Ichthyological Research 63: 382-390., 2016
  • Furgala-Selezniow G., Jankun M., Kujawa R., Nowosad J., Bilas M., Kucharczyk D. Skrzypczak A., Histological aspects of the early development of the digestive system of Burbot Lota lota L. (Lotidae, Gadiformes), Folia Biologica 64: 11-20., 2016
  • Kucharczyk D. , Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Targońska K., Palińska-Żarska K. , Use of an ultrasound device to determine sex and to perform gonad biopsy in the European eel Anguilla anguilla, Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 2016
  • Glińska-Lewczuk K., Burandt P., Kujawa R., Kobus S., Obolewski K., Dunalska J., Grabowska M., Lew S., Chormański J., Environmental factors structuring fish communities in floodplain lakes of the undisturbed system of the Biebrza River , Water, 2016
  • Kucska B., Kabai P., Hajdú J., Várkonyi, L., Varga D., Müllerné-Trenovszki M., Tatár S., Urbányi B., Zarski D., Müller T., Ex situ protection of the european mudminnow (Umbra krameri walbaum, 1792): Spawning substrate preference for larvae rearing under controlled conditions, Archives of Biological Sciences 68: 61-66. DOI: 10.2298/ABS150428008K, 2016
  • Kucharczyk D. , Nowosad J., Łuczyński M.J., Targońska, K., New technique for fertilizing eggs of burbot, asp and ide under hatchery conditions, Animal Reproduction Science 172: 143-147, 2016
  • Schaefer F.J., Overton J.L., Bossuyt J., Żarski D., Kloas W., Wuertz S., Management of pikeperch Sander lucioperca (Linnaeus, 1758) sperm quality after stripping, Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 32:1099–1106. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13144, 2016
  • Kirtiklis, L., Palińska-Żarska, K., Krejszeff, S., Kupren, K., Żarski, D., Fopp-Bayat D., Szabelska, A., Comparison of molecular and morphometric analysis in species discrimination of larvae among five cyprinids from the subfamily Leuciscinae: A tool for sustainable conservation of riverine ichthyofauna, Biologia 71:1177—1183. DOI:, 2016
  • Samarin A.M. , Blecha M., Uzhytchak M., Bytyutskyy D., Żarski D., Flajshans M., Policar T., Post-ovulatory and post-stripping oocyte ageing in northern pike, Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1758), and its effect on egg viability rates and the occurrence of larval malformations and ploidy anomalies, Aquaculture 450: 431-438., 2016
  • Furgała-Selezniow G., Własow T., Wiśniewska A.M., Kujawa R., Skrzypczak A., Woźnicki P., Jankun M., Early development of the Asp, Leuciscus aspius pseudobranch -The histological study, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16: 723-728. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_3_26 , 2016
  • Łuczyńska J., Tońska E., Krejszeff S., Żarski D., Comparison of fatty acids in the muscles and liver of pond-cultured and wild perch, perca fluviatilis (L.), in Poland, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16: 19-27. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_1_03, 2016
  • Kujawa R., Kucharczyk D., Furgała-Selezniow G., Mamcarz A., Ptaszkowski M., Biegaj M, Substitution of natural food with artificial feed during rearing larvae of sichel Pelecus cultratus (L.) under controlled conditions, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16: 643-650. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_3_18, 2016
  • Sarosiek B., Dryl K., Krejszeff S, Żarski D., Characterization of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) milt collected with a syringe and a catheter, Aquaculture 450: 14-16., 2016
  • Siddique M.A.M., Linhart O., Kujawa R., Krejszeff S., Butts, I.A.E. , Composition of seminal plasma and ovarian fluid in Ide Leuciscus idus and Northern pike Esox lucius, Reproduction in Domestic Animals 51: 960–969. DOI: 10.1111/rda.12773, 2016
  • Siddique M.A.M., Linhart O., Krejszeff S, Żarski D., Król J., Butts I.A.E., Effects of preincubation of eggs and activation medium on the percentage of eyed embryos in ide (Leuciscus idus), an externally fertilizing fish, Theriogenology 85: 849-855., 2016
  • Cejko B.I., Judycka S., Kujawa R. , The effect of different ambient temperatures on river lamprey (Lampetrafluviatilis) egg and sperm production under controlled conditions, Journal of Thermal Biology 62: 70-75., 2016
  • Kucharczyk D., Czarkowski T.K., Nowosad J., Targońska K., Kupren K., Wyszomirska E., Kujawa R., Horváth L., Müller T., Influence of Temperature on Successful European Eel Female Maturation under Controlled Conditions., Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16, 477-482. DOI: 10.4194/1303 - 2712 - v1 6 _ 2 _ 28, 2016


  • Kupren K., Nowosad J., Żarski D., Targońska K., Hakuć-Błażowska A., Kucharczyk D., Early Development and Allometric Growth in Laboratory-Reared European Chub Leuciscus cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) , Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15: 391-398, 2015
  • Cejko, B.I., Kucharczyk, D. , Application of dopaminergic antagonist: Metoclopramide, in reproduction of crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) under controlled conditions. , Animal Reproduction Science, 160: 74-81, 2015
  • Nowosad J., Kucharczyk D., Łuczyńska J., Targońska K., Czarkowski T.K., Biłas M., Krejszeff S., Horváth L., Müller T., Changes in European eel ovary development and body and ovary chemistry during stimulated maturation under controlled conditions: preliminary data, Aquaculture International, 23: 13-27, 2015
  • Kujawa R., Furgała-Selezniow G., Mamcarz A., Kucharczyk D., Lach M. , Influence of temperature on the growth and survivability of sichel larvae Pelecus cultratus reared under controlled conditions, Ichthyological Research 62: 163-170, 2015
  • Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Palińska-Żarska K., Targońska K., Kupren K., Fontaine P., Kestemont P., The application of tannic acid to the elimination of egg stickiness at varied moments of the egg swelling process in pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.)., Aquaculture Research, 46: 324-334, 2015
  • Nowosad J., Kucharczyk D., Liszewski T., Targońska K., Kujawa R, Comparison of temperature shock timing to induced artificial mitotic gynogenesis and androgenesis in common tench., Aquaculture International, 23: 45-53, 2015
  • Dębowska M., Nowosad J., Targońska K., Żarski D., Biłas M., Łuczyńska J., Kucharczyk D., Fecundity of migrating European eel (Anguilla anguilla) from Polish waters, Italian Journal od Animal Sciences, 14: 566-571, 2015
  • Targońska K., Kupren K., Kujawa R., Mamcarz R., Kaczkowski Z., Glogowski J., Kowalski R.K. Żarski D., Wyszomirska E., Kucharczyk D., Artificial Reproduction of Different Dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) Populations as a Method for Biodiversity Preservation , Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 15: 477-485, 2015
  • Bernáth, G., Bokor, Z., Kása, E., Várkonyi, L., Hegyi, Á., Kollár, T., Urbányi, B., Żarski, D., RadócziIfj., J., Horváth, Á, Comparison of two different methods in the cryopreservation of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) sperm, Cryobiology 70: 76–78. , 2015
  • Bernáth, G., Żarski, D., Krejszeff, S., Palińska-Żarska, K., Bokor, Z., Król, J., Kollár, T., Kucharczyk, D., Urbányi, B., Horváth, Á, Optimization of conditions for the cryopreservation of Eurasian perch ( Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758) sperm. , J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31: 94–98, 2015
  • Cejko, B.I., Krejszeff, S., Sarosiek, B., Żarski, D., Judycka, S., Kowalski, R.K., , Biochemical factors of common carp Cyprinus carpio L. 1758, seminal plasma and its relationship with sperm motility parameters., J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31: 10–17, 2015
  • Kucinski, M., Demska-Zakes, K., Żarski, D., Liszewski, T., Fopp-Bayat, D., Jankun, M., Furgala-Selezniow, G., , The morphological, histological and cytogenetic characteristics of goldfish Carassiusauratus (L.) × common carp Cyprinuscarpio (L.) hybrids. , Caryologia 68: 77–83, 2015
  • Kupren, K., Żarski, D., Kucharczyk, D., , Early development and allometric growth patterns in ide Leuciscus idus (Linnaeus 1758)., J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31: 509–517, 2015
  • Palińska-Żarska, K., Żarski, D., Krejszeff, S., Kupren, K., Łączyńska, B., Kucharczyk, D., 2015. , Optimal Feeding Level of Burbot Larvae Fed Artemia spp. and Reared under Controlled Conditions. , N. Am. J. Aquac. 77: 295–301, 2015
  • Żarski, D., Cejko, B.I., Krejszeff, S., Palińska-Żarska, K., Horvath, A., Sarosiek, B., Judycka, S., Kowalski, R.K., Łączyńska, B., Kucharczyk, D., The effect of osmolality on egg fertilization in common carp, Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758, J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31: 159–163, 2015
  • Stańczak K., Krejszeff S., Debowska M., Mierzejewska K., Woźniak M., Hliwa P., Mass marking of Leuciscus idus larvae using Artemia salina as a vector of fluorescent dyes., Journal of Fish Biology 87: 799-804, 2015
  • Kucharczyk D, Wyszomirska E, Nowosad J., The application of hCG in artificial reproduction of ide Leuciscus idus (L.)., Jokull 65: 327-334, 2015
  • Kolics B., Kovacs B., Taller J., Varkonyi L., Horvath L., Kucharczyk D., Muller T., Identification of European eel juvenile by using PCR-RFLP., MAGYAR ALLATORVOSOK LAPJA 137: 411-414, 2015
  • Kupren, K., Żarski, D., Kucharczyk, D., Early development and allometric growth patterns in ide Leuciscus idus (Linnaeus 1758)., J. Appl. Ichthyol. 31, 509–517, 2015


  • Targońska, K., Szczerbowski, A., Żarski D., Łuczyński, M., Szkudlarek, M., Gomułka, P., Kucharczyk, D., Comparison of different spawning agents in artificial out-of-season spawning of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L. , Aquaculture Research 45: 765–767, 2014
  • Kupren, K.,Prusińska, M.,Żarski, D., Krejszeff, S.,Kucharczyk, D., Early development and allometric growth in nannacara anomala Regan, 1905 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) under laboratory conditions. , Neotropical Ichthyology 12: 659-665., 2014
  • Kucharczyk D., Żarski D., Mamcarz A. , Preface. , Aquaculture International 22: 1–3., 2014
  • Nowosad J., Targońska K., Chwaluczyk R., Kaszubowski R., Kucharczyk, D., Effect of temperature on the effectiveness of artificial reproduction of dace [Cyprinidae (Leuciscus leuciscus (L.))] under laboratory and field conditions. , Journal of Thermal Biology, 45: 62-68., 2014
  • Palińska-Żarska K., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Trejchel K., Kucharczyk D. , Dynamics of yolk sac and oil droplet utilization and behavioural aspects of swim bladder inflation in burbot, Lota lota L., larvae during the first days of life, under laboratory conditions. , Aquaculture International 22: 13-27., 2014
  • Palińska-Żarska K., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Nowosad J., Biłas M., Trejchel K., Brylewski A., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., The effect of age, size and digestive tract development on burbot, Lota lota(L.), larvae weaning effectiveness., Aquaculture Nutrition, 20: 281-290., 2014
  • Kupren K., Trąbska I., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Palińska-Żarska K., Kucharczyk D. , Early development and allometric growth patterns in burbot Lota lota L. , Aquaculture International 22: 29-39., 2014
  • Kucharczyk D., Żarski D., Targońska K., Łuczyński M.J., Szczerbowski A., Nowosad J., Kujawa R., Mamcarz A., Induced artificial androgenesis in common tench, Tinca tinca (L.), using common carp and common bream eggs. , Italian Journal of Animal Science, 13: 196-200., 2014
  • Trejchel K., Żarski D., Palińska-Żarska K., Krejszeff S., Dryl, B., Dakowski K., Kucharczyk D. , Determination of the optimal feeding rate and light regime conditions in juvenile burbot, Lota lota (L.), under intensive aquaculture. , Aquaculture International 22: 195-203., 2014
  • Kowalski R.K., Cejko B.I., Krejszeff S., Sarosiek B., Judycka S., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., Glogowski J., Effect of albumin and casein supplementation on the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. sperm motility parameters measured by CASA. , Aquaculture International, 22: 123-129. , 2014
  • Żarski D., Horváth Á., Bernáth G., Palińska-Żarska K., Krejszeff S., Müller T., Kucharczyk D. , Application of different activating solutions to in vitro fertilization of crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), eggs. , Aquaculture International 22: 173-184., 2014
  • Gomułka P., Żarski D., Kupren K., Krejszeff S., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., Acute ammonia toxicity during early ontogeny of ide Leuciscus idus (Cyprinidae)., Aquaculture International, 22: 225–233. , 2014
  • Cejko B.I., Krejszeff S., Judycka S., Sarosiek B., Dietrich M., Kucharczyk D., Kowalski R.K. , Sperm quality and selected biochemical markers of seminal plasma at the beginning of the reproductive period of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. , Aquaculture International 22: 111-122. , 2014
  • Furgała-Selezniow G., Skrzypczak A., Kucharczyk D., Kujawa R., Mamcarz A., Żarski D., Targońska K., Food selection of burbot (Lota lota L.) larvae reared in illuminated net cages in mesotrophic Lake Maróz (north-eastern Poland). , Aquaculture International, 22: 41–52., 2014
  • Targońska K., Żarski D., Kupren K.,Palińska-Żarska K., Mamcarz A., Kujawa R., Skrzypczak A., Furgała-Selezniow G., Czarkowski T., Hakuć-Błażowska A., Kucharczyk D., Influence of temperature during four following spawning seasons on the spawning effectiveness of common bream, Abramis brama (L.) under natural and controlled conditions. , Journal of Thermal Biology, 39: 17-23., 2014
  • Grabowska M., Glińska-Lewczuk K.,Obolewski K., Burandt P., Kobus Sz., Dunalska J. Kujawa R., Goździejewska A., Skrzypczak A., Efects of hydrological and physicochemical factors on phytoplankton communities in floodplain lakes, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 23: 713-725., 2014
  • Juchno D., Jabłońska O., Boroń A., Kujawa R., Leska A., Grabowska A., Nynca A., Świgońska S., Król M., Spóz A., Laskowska N., Lao M., Ploidy-dependent survival of progeny arising from crosses between natural allotriploid obitis females and diploid C. taenia males (Pisces, Cobitidae)., Genetica 142: 351-359., 2014
  • Sarosiek B., Glogowski J., Cejko I.B., Kujawa R., Szczepkowski M., Kuźmiński H., Dobosz S., Kowalski R.K., Inhibition of b-N-acetylglucosaminidase by acetamide affects sperm motility and fertilization success of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)., Theriogenology 81: 723–732., 2014
  • Obolewski K.,Glińska-Lewczuk K., Jarząb N., Burandt P.,Kobus Sz., Kujawa R., Grabowska M., Lew S., Goździejewska A., Skrzypczak A. , Benthic invertebrates in floodplain lakes of the Middle Basin of the Biebrza River (NE Poland): the structure and biodiversity analyses in relation to hydrological conditions. , Polish Journal of Environmental. Studies 23: 1679-1689., 2014


  • Żarski D., Rechulicz J., Krejszeff S., Czarkowski T.K., Stańczak K., Katarzyna Palińska K., Gryzińska M.,Targońska K., Kozłowski K.,Mamcarz A., Hliwa P., Ovarian alterations in wild northern pike Esox lucius females. , Diseases of Aquatic Organism, 106: 49–56. , 2013
  • Krejszeff S., Żarski D., Palińska-Żarska K., Trąbska I., Kupren K., Targońska K., Bowszys M., Kucharczyk D., Procedure for harmless estimation of fish larvae weight., Italian Journal of Animal Science, 12: 270-274. , 2013
  • Żarski D., Targońska K., Kaszubowski, R., Kestemont P., Fontaine P., Krejszeff S., KuprenS., Kucharczyk D., Effect of different commercial spawning agents and thermal regime on the effectiveness of pikepearch, Stizostedion lucioperca (L.) reproduction under controlled conditions. , Aquaculture International, 21(4): 819-828. , 2013


  • Targońska K., Żarski D., Müller T., Krejszeff S., Kozłowski K., Demény F., Urbányi B., Kucharczyk D., Controlled reproduction of the crucian carp Carassius carassius (L.) combining temperature and hormonal treatment in spawners., Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 894–899., 2012
  • Targońska K., Perkowski T., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Mamcarz A., Kujawa R., Kucharczyk D., Method of evaluation of wild common tench, Tinca tinca (L.), female suitability for artificial reproduction during the spawning season., Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11: 164-168. , 2012
  • Sarosiek B., Cejko B.I. Glogowski J., Targońska K., Żarski D., Kowalski R.K., Kucharczyk D., Spermatozoa motility and short-term sperm storage of colourful orfe (Leuciscus idus aberr orfus). , Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11: 270-274. , 2012
  • Cejko B.I., Kowalski R.K., Żarski D., Dryl K., Targońska K., Chwaluczyk R., Kucharczyk D., Glogowski J., The influence of the length of time after hormonal treatment with [(D-Ala6, Pro9 NEt)-mGnRH+metoclopramide] i.e. Ovopel on barbel, Barbus barbus (L.) milt quality and quantity indicators. , Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 249–253. , 2012
  • Targońska K., Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Kucharczyk D.,, Influence of age of wild ide Leuciscus idus (L.) female on spawning effectiveness under controlled conditions. , Italian Journal of Animal Science, 11: 342-346. , 2012
  • Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Palińska K., Targońska K., Kupren K., Fontaine P., Kestemont P., Kucharczyk D., Cortical reaction as an egg quality indicator in artificial reproduction of pikeperch, Sander lucioperca. , Reproduction Fertility and Development, 24: 843-850., 2012
  • Żarski D., Kucharczyk D., Targońska K., Palińska K.. Kupren K., Fontaine P., Kestemont P., A new classification of pre-ovulatory oocyte maturation stages in pikeperch, Sander lucioperca (L.), and its application during artificial reproduction. , Aquaculture Research, 43: 713-721. , 2012
  • Żarski D., Krejszeff S., Horváth Á., Bokor Z., Palińska K., Szentes K., Łuczyńska J., Targońska K., Kupren K., Urbányi B., Kucharczyk D., Dynamics of composition and morphology in oocytes of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L., during induced spawning, Aquaculture, 364-365: 103-110. , 2012
  • Dietrich G. J., Ciereszko A., Kowalski R. K., Rzemieniecki A., Bogdan E., Demianowicz W. Dietrich M., Kujawa R., Glogowski J., Motility and fertilizing capacity of frozen/thawed sperm of Siberian sturgeon after a short-time exposure of fresh semen to mercury and cadmium, Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28: 973–977., 2012
  • Cejko B.I., Targońska K., Kowalski R.K., Żarski D., Sarosiek B., Kucharczyk D., Glogowski J., The effectiveness of hormonal preparations (Ovopel, Ovaprim, LHRHa, hCG andCPE) in stimulating spermiation in dace Leuciscus leuciscus (L.). , Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 873-877., 2012


  • Mamcarz A., Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., Kujawa R., Żarski D., Effect of live and dry food on rearing of tench (Tinca tinca L.) larvae under controlled conditions., Italian Journal of Animal Science, 10: 42-45., 2011
  • Kujawa R., Kucharczyk D., Mamcarz A., Żarski D., Targońska K., Artificial spawning of common tench Tinca tinca (Linnaeus, 1758), obtained from wild and domestic stocks. , Aquaculture International, 19: 513-521., 2011
  • Żarski D., Palińska K., Targońska K., Bokor Z., Kotnik L., Kreszeff S., Kupren K., Horvath, A., Urbanyi, B., Kucharczyk, D., Oocyte quality indicators in Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L., during reproduction under controlled conditions. , Aquaculture, 311: 84-91. , 2011
  • Cejko B.I., Kowalski R.K., Kucharczyk D., Żarski D., Targońska K., Glogowski J., , Effect of time after hormonal stimulation on semen quality indicators of common carp, Cyprinus carpio (actinopterygii: Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). , Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 41: 75-80. , 2011
  • Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., The application of hCG, CPH and Ovopel in successful artificial reproduction of goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) under controlled conditions., Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 46: 651-655., 2011
  • Targońska K., Kucharczyk D. Żarski D., Cejko B.I., Krejszeff S. Kupren K., Król R., Dryl, K., Kowalski, R.K., Glogowski, Artificial reproduction of wild and cultured barbel (Barbus barbus, Cyprinidae) under controlled conditions. , Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 59: 363-372. , 2011
  • Kupren D., Żarski D., Krejszeff, S.,Kucharczyk D., Targońska K., The effect of stocking density on growth, survival and development of asp Aspius aspius (L.), ide Leuciscus idus (L.) and chub Leuciscus cephalus (L.) larvae during initial rearing under laboratory conditions., Italian Journal of Animal Science, 10: 178-184. , 2011
  • Targońska K., Kupren K., Żarski D., Król R., Kucharczyk D., Influence of thermal conditions on successful ide (Leuciscus idus L.) artificial reproduction during spawning season. , Italian Journal of Animal Science,10: 209-212. , 2011
  • Żarski D., Bokor Z., Kotrik L., Urbanyi B., Horváth A., Targońska K., Krejszeff S., Palińska K., Kucharczyk D., A new classification of a preovulatory oocyte maturation stage suitable for the synchronization of ovulation in controlled reproduction of Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis L. , Reproductive Biology, 11:194-209. , 2011
  • Gomułka P., Żarski D., Kucharczyk D., Kupren K., Krejszeff S., Targońska K., Acute ammonia toxicity during early ontogeny of chub, Leuciscus cephalus (Cyprinidae)., Aquatic Living Resources, 24: 211-217. , 2011
  • Żarski D., Kupren K., Targońska K., Krejszeff S., Furgała-Selezniow G., Kucharczyk D., The effect of initial larval stocking density on growth and survival in common barbel, Barbus barbus (L.). , Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27: 1155-1158. , 2011
  • Żarski D., Targońska K., Krejszeff S., Kwiatkowski M., Kupren K., Kucharczyk D., Influence of stocking density and type of feed on the rearing of crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), larvae under controlled conditions. , Aquaculture International, 19(6): 1105-1117. , 2011


  • Targońska K., Kucharczyk D., Kujawa R., Mamcarz A., Żarski D., Controlled reproduction of asp, Aspius aspius (L.) using luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues with dopamine inhibitors. , Aquaculture, 306: 407-410. , 2010
  • Krejszeff S., Targońska K., Żarski D., Kucharczyk D., Artificial reproduction of two different spawn-forms of the chub., Reproductive Biology, 10: 67-74. , 2010
  • Cejko B. I., Kowalski, R.K., Kucharczyk D., Targońska K., Krejszeff S., Żarski D., Glogowski J., Influence of the length of time after hormonal stimulation on selected parameters of milt of ide Leuciscus idus L. , Aquaculture Research, 41: 804-813., 2010